Heather RJ Fletcher
I am passionate UX and Print Pattern Designer. A born collaborator, ready to work alongside with graphic designers, developers, and product managers to create easy-to-use experiences that engage users. I believe in fast failure as a critical part of innovation. I believe design is more than how something looks, but also how it functions when use.
I balanced my day job with personal creative work, like marbling and bookmaking, which garnered attention from a few indie publishers. I also teach at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. My participants are ages 2 to 102 (not kidding about the 102 part). On any given day, it is hard to discern who is having more fun, me or them.
My creative approach—no matter the medium—is process. I spend my time researching, listening, sketching, paper prototyping ideas before I ever start designing on the computer.
My love for design is rooted in the continued study of art, fashion, design, food, travel and consumer culture. What I create is captures the human spirit of where the culture is heading.
© 2017 Heather RJ Fletcher /// HRJ Design